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Location: Sofia, Bulgaria

Sunday, January 30, 2005

First posting

That's the first time I'm posting something in a Blog.
It is very strange feeling! I'm not sure anybody will ever read these lines but still I have the need and the urge to write and to post.
The purpose is to start describing a new idea.
New for the potential readers of this blog. For me it's already 3-4 years old.
It's called Intelicracy as is this blog.
The general Idea is that the democracy must be updated.
Democracy is the best existing public structure and that's one of my basic believes, but I also believe that better structure of the society can be found based on the same or almost the same roles as is the democracy.
basically and very simplified the idea of INTELICRACY (rule of the intellect) is that the vote of each person should be multiplied by a number representing a complex of the IQ of the person, his social, educational and material status, his social involvement and compassion, and other factors.
This way the vote of different persons will have different "weight".
As we all (hopefully) know, casting ones vote in democratic elections is both Right and obligation.
I firmly believe everybody should have the Right to vote!!!
It is the obligation to vote that different people understand differently.
There is the type of person that reads the proposals of the different participants in the elections, learns about them, their believes and their personal history and credibility and makes his conscious decision, and on the contrary there is the person that votes without any process of decision-making, but based on some promise or subjective criteria.
I say the first type described should have a bigger influence on the result.
In my next postings I'll explain better what I mean, and how, but mainly why is it so importance to improve the existing democratic system.